What really matters to you?
At Baskë, we believe financial investments are much more than just numbers: they’re a pathway to your peace of mind and achievements!
Our mission is to connect you with global investment opportunities, offering diversified portfolios, steady returns, and cutting-edge management tools. We’re committed to providing you with new, better ways to grow your wealth.
Currently, Baskë presents investment options with fixed returns of up to 1.75% per month (on your dollar-denominated investments), with prioritized transparency, security, and a hassle-free experience.
How does it work?
Baskë is a multinational startup specializing in creating and managing investment funds: our platform brings together individual investors and top-tier portfolio managers, handling the legal, accounting, and technological aspects.
Join Baskë today… and start investing with purpose!
Baskë Funds
So you believe that “international investments” are too complicated, out of reach, and not very profitable?
Well, they used to be! Traditional fixed-income investments in strong currencies like the US dollar, Euro, Swiss Franc, or British Pound typically offer annual returns below 3% and involve complex regulations and high taxes. Variable income investments, such as stock markets, can be risky and unpredictable despite potentially higher returns.
Baskë offers a different approach.
Our fund management model combines solid returns, security, transparency, and simplicity. We invest in low-volatility markets like Forex, Commodities, and Indices, using a secure, internal hedge fund structure and strict governance.
We avoid highly volatile assets like cryptocurrencies and focus on proven, stable investment opportunities. This means you can invest with confidence in a well-established market, managed by experienced professionals.
Discover our monthly returns, minimum investment requirements, benefits, and redemption terms. And, if you still have questions? Contact us!
...to test!- minimum investment
- US$1000
- annual equivalent rate*
- 14.71%
- paid daily (0.04%)
- SKE Access
- Currency Hedge
...to grow!- minimum investment
- US$10000
- annual equivalent rate*
- 18.86%
- paid daily (0.05%)
- ONE Perks
- Custom Reports
...to live!- minimum investment
- US$50000
- annual equivalent rate*
- 23.14%
- paid daily (0.06%)
- TWO Perks
- Custom Consulting
*The Annual Equivalent Rate depends on the manual reinvestment of earned income. Due to legal restrictions, Baskë pays out and makes daily available the earnings to its holders.

Simple like that!
To join Baskë, simply open an account on our SKË (Baskë Financial Management System)! It’s easy, practical, and free:
1. Access the SKË registration page;
2. Fill in your details (name, email, username, and password) and read (and agree to) the Baskë Terms of Service;
3. Done! You now have a Baskë account! Now you can make deposits* and investments, track your returns, redeem your earnings, and make withdrawals.
4. As some Baskë operations require verification of your personal data (as required by ESMA/EU, as an AML policy), don’t forget to verify your account: simply fill in your personal data and send your documents!
* Deposits made to Baskë are converted and transferred via smart contracts to sub-accounts of Baskë investment funds under UK jurisdiction. The IUSD (Baskë Reference Dollar) is the reference value used for internal transactions within the InFolk/Baskë ecosystem (1USDk = 1USD).
- DIVERSIFICATION: do NOT abandon any of your current traditional savings: your bank funds, bonds, ETFs... or your good dividend paying stock portfolio. Just try leaving some eggs, also, in this "basket"!
- PROFITABILITY: however, it's unlikely that any of the above investments will offer you the returns of Baskë's private funds (exceeding 23% per year) even with a conservative assets portfolio.
- STABILITY: Investing with Baskë not only safeguards your assets from exchange rate risks but also provides the security of British law against legal claims. Peace of mind guaranteed!
- TRANSPARENCY: Baskë offers you the opportunity to participate in assemblies, access your investment account statements, and track your fund's financial performance. Full transparency!
- CONVENIENCE: Baskë's SKË system provides easy access to all the resources you need to manage your fund, such as deposits, withdrawals, investments, and statements. Simple and convenient!
Investment ($) | |
Return Rates | 1.45% per month* |
18.86% per annum* | |
Term | 24 months |
Monthly Income | $350,00 |
(Final) Amount** | $30,328.26 |
* Monthly Equivalent Rates are relative to the daily nominal rate of 0.04%, 0.05% or 0.06% respectively paid on contracts ONE, TWO and THREE on the Baskë Fund. Annual Equivalent Rates depend on the monthly manual reinvestments of earned incomes. ** The Final Amount refers to the resulted sum of every (reinvested) monthly payments.
frequently asked questions
What is Baskë?
In a nutshell, Baskë is a fintech company specialized in modeling, implementing, and maintaining private investment funds. The platform aims to bring investors together in legally structured groups (funds) under British law and assist them in managing their assets (with licensed investment managers) through intelligent digital asset management systems, orchestraded via smart contracts.
Structurally, Baskë is composed of a multinational consortium of companies in the areas of administration, marketing, and technology, including the European asset manager Baskë International Ltd., the American PSP Baskë USA, the CARICOM capital manager Baskë Capital, and various funds maintained by the initiative, such as the Baskë Private Fund.
What are Private Investment Funds?
British ‘Private Funds’ are structured as ‘Special Purpose Vehicles’ (SPVs), specifically designed for pooled investments in particular ventures or financial initiatives, such as venture capital funds.
From a legal standpoint, these ‘Private Funds’ were formally established in April 2017 under the UK’s Legislative Reform (Private Fund Limited Partnerships) Order 2017 (SI 2017/514), which amended the Limited Partnerships Act 1907. This legislation created a new legal structure for private funds, requiring each fund to have its own unique registration with Companies House.
Baskë’s private investment funds are organized in accordance with this structure. They are typically managed by a ‘general partner’, currently InFolk Business LLC (a US-based entity), while ‘limited partners’ represent the various investor groups.
Important: To comply with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations, Baskë, through its managers: (a) does not promote or market established funds; (b) does not directly manage investments (this is the sole responsibility of licensed investment managers); (c) does not include UK citizens or tax residents in the funds it facilitates. Baskë’s role is limited to providing digital asset management services (through Baskë International Ltd.), facilitating fund formation, connecting investors and operators, and managing the underlying technology infrastructure.”
Do Baskë funds offer fixed income?
Baskë funds are modeled to offer “flattened yield variation”, in other words, while the investment managers of each fund obtain variable income, the management consortium guarantees pre-fixed income of that fund through provisioning systems and operational hedge.
Thus, the consortium reserves funds when the percentage of profitability obtained exceeds the contracted value and uses them to neutralize losses when the percentage of profitability results below the contracted value.
Fundos Baskë são modelados de forma a oferecerem “curvas de rentabilidade comprimidas”, ou seja, conquanto os gestores de investimentos de cada fundo obtenham retornos variáveis, o consórcio gestor garante a rentabilidade pré-fixada àquele fundo através de sistemas de provisonamento e hedge operacional.
Assim, o consórcio provisiona recursos quando o percentual de rentabilidade obtido transcende o percentual pré-fixado e os utiliza para neutralizar perdas quando o percentual de rentabilidade resulta aquém do pré-fixado.
Why do Baskë funds offer such high returns?
Baskë sustains the profitability of its investment funds on two crucial cornerstones: (a) experienced and licensed traders with an flawless track record (at least five years) in high-performance trading and (b) HFT (high frequency trading) investment management algorithms – such binomial can reach returns of more than 5% per month under the proper market conditions.
Therefore, the yields offered on Baskë funds could be even higher. However, as described in the previous answer, the Baskë consortium’s provisioning and hedging mechanisms require the maintenance of high safety margins to properly guarantee the effectiveness of the operations, which, as a result, is reflected in the reduction of the final offer of interest fixed to the investor.
Keep in mind that the yields offered on funds maintained by Baskë are not that high and are reasonable even if the proper levels of stability are maintained.
A Baskë sustenta a rentabilidade de seus fundos de investimento em dois fatores: (a) operadores experientes, licenciados e com histórico impecável (de no mínimo cinco anos) em trading de alta performance e (b) algorítmos de gestão de investimentos HFT (high frequency trading) – tal binômio pode alcançar rentabilidades superiores a 5% ao mês nas devidas condições de mercado.
Dessa forma, os rendimentos oferecidos nos fundos Baskë poderiam ser até mais altos. Contudo, como descrito na resposta anterior, os mecanismos de provisionamento e hedge do consórcio Baskë exigem a manutenção de elevadas margens de segurança para a devida garantia da efetividade das operações, o que, por resultado, reflete-se na redução da oferta final de juros fixos ao investidor.
Entenda com isso que os rendimentos oferecidos nos fundos mantidos pela Baskë não são tão altos assim e são perfeitamente factíveis mesmo mantidos os devidos níveis de segurança.
Is Baskë a safe investment?
Investing with Baskë is much more secure than other investment options with similar returns and liquidity.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the security features offered by Baskë:
- Multi-Jurisdictional Structure: Your investments are managed by authorized asset managers in Europe and the US (Baskë International and Baskë USA), operating within funds based in the UK and generating returns through capital managers in St. Kitts and Nevis. This robust structure leverages the financial and judicial strengths of multiple jurisdictions.
- Strong Legal Framework: The laws of St. Kitts and Nevis and the UK, particularly the Private Fund Limited Partnerships (PFLP) legislation, provide comprehensive protection for investors and their investments in the event of legal disputes.
- Transparent Management: Investors are included in the “Minutes of the Quarter/Annual General Meetings” and can attend quarterly meetings in London, Geneva, or Milan. They also have access to regular reports detailing their investment performance.
- Advanced Technology: The SKË system provides real-time monitoring of investments, from onboarding to withdrawals.
- Currency Protection: Based in the UK, a financial hub since the 18th century, Baskë investments are denominated in a strong currency (USD), protecting your assets from exchange rate fluctuations.
- Robust Trading Strategies: Experienced investment managers employ advanced algorithms and trade in highly liquid markets (forex, indices, and commodities) using reputable brokerage platforms. Risk is managed through strict drawdown limits and favorable risk-reward ratios.
- Collective Provisioning: The consortium maintains reserves that are shared among all Baskë funds, mitigating the impact of potential losses. The “provisioning index” is calculated monthly and shared with investors.
In summary, investing with Baskë provides a secure and transparent experience. Investors benefit from a robust legal framework, advanced technology, experienced management, and a strong focus on risk management.Key benefits of investing with Baskë:
- Legal protection
- Transparency
- Advanced technology
- Currency protection
- Experienced management
- Risk management
- Collective provisioning
If you seek greater security, invest in Baskë ONE and experience the difference.
Can I make an investment in Baskë from my own country?
Yes. Establishing a private investment fund is similar to setting up a small company overseas or purchasing shares in a public limited company. In this case, you become a shareholder in a British legal entity exclusively dedicated to generating returns on your investments.
Moreover, for your complete protection, just like in public limited companies, you cannot be held personally liable for any obligations incurred by the legal entity.
Similarly to how you would register an offshore company or purchase a product online from overseas (e.g., Shein, Alibaba, or Amazon), you can also join investment funds structured by Baskë from your own country. You can make investments in their respective pools through our local remittance partners (foreign exchange operators).
How do I report my Baskë investments on my Income Tax Return?
From a legal and accounting standpoint, investing in a British Private Investment Fund is no different from participating in a foreign company, acquiring shares in a public limited company (such as Apple or Google), or even investing in a US investment fund through a transnational intermediary. The investor is acquiring a “right” and, from it, obtains regular, sporadic, or termly income (at the end of the contract).
The legislation of most countries allows its citizens (tax residents) to engage in economic activities abroad, both in the form of consumption and in the form of investments in goods, assets, and ventures – including through the so-called “reverse solicitation” (the use of services provided in a jurisdiction other than that of the client).
However, just as in your country of residence, economic activity in foreign territory must also be reported to the tax authorities (e.g., IRS in the US, HMRC in the UK, AT in Portugal, RFB in Brazil, etc.).
Baskë clients receive detailed guidance to complete their own tax returns or to instruct their accountants. You are in good hands!
How about a virtual coffee with Baskë?
Our team is always available to answer your questions, hear your suggestions, and address your concerns. If you couldn’t find the answer you were looking for in our FAQ (beside), please get in touch!
Use the contact information at the bottom of the page or send us a message using the form below.